Quick Tips to Make Your Website More Social

Nowadays, when one operates a website he/she should be familiar with social optimization in addition to search engine optimization. When a website is socially optimized, it naturally attracts more traffic and encourages more engagement with customers. But, social optimization means a lot more than the process of adding social sharing buttons to different pages. To say the truth, the process of social optimization involves everything from encouraging sharing on each page, to seeking more feedback from visitors. Now, let us look at a few tips which would make your website more social.

One of the basic tips to make your website more social, is by encouraging a more social experience, with regards to your website. This could be done by choosing to use “emotionally intelligent words”. This means that one should select words which gives an overhaul about the personality of your brand and also be distinguishably conversational. A very good example for this would be to replace “Try it now” with “Ready to give it a whirl”. What this does is that, the click gives a refreshing personal experience for the user. This is exactly the reason why making it personal can give a comfortable experience for the user and makes them feel at home, while leaving a comment (or) while sharing on your site.

Next on the list of tips to make your website more social is, to raise the bar on content quality. There is no need for any special mention on the fact that, creating distinctive content which is interesting and useful is key to an online marketing strategy that is successful. Hence, without any content, there is an absolutely meagre chance for your pages to be discovered and linked by other sites. Thus, improving the quality of your content is one of the ways to make your site more social. Making sure of the fact that, the titles are enticing and having an engaging content format and length are also methods to make your website social.

Incentivizing your visitors with gamification features such as badges, counts and stars is also an attractive way to socialize your website. This is because, you play on the needs of the customers to compete and win. In this manner, one creates a win-win situation where the sales of seller is also boosted, while the customer is also rewarded.

Another important way to make your website more social is, by encouraging customer feedback. One should never underestimate the power of feedback and encourage their customers to choose a product they would like to see you sell. This approach would increase intimacy with customers and would help improve customer retention.