Common Mistakes to Avoid During Website Development

As you are surfing around the Internet, you have probably come across web pages that simply did not look right. For whatever reason, from the moment the page loaded in your browser, you were ready to move on. These are usually websites with elaborate fonts, small text, blaring music that starts automatically when the page loads, crazy designs that deploy complex backgrounds and animations. All of these detract from the experience of your visitors. While there are a lot of mistakes made in building a website, following are the most common mistakes to avoid during website development.

The site is not identifiable. What is your website about? Is it about science-fiction television shows and movies? Whatever the subject, your visitor has to be able to identify the subject of your website within seconds of the page loading. If there is any ambiguity as to the point of your website, your visitor will immediately close out of your site. So how do you make the subject of your website identifiable? The name of the website does not really have to pertain to your subject, but your heading should provide simple information to any visitor as to what your site is about.

You should also use relevant images to convey the point of your website. So if your website is about golf, then use images related to the sport. Also, do not play audio or video files automatically. This is perhaps one of the most common offenses, and will often lead to your page being closed immediately. Why? How often are you browsing the web while listening to the television in the background? Maybe you like to surf while listening to music or you are having a conversation with someone. Anytime a website loads and immediately starts playing a video or audio, it is an interruption. People do not like distractions. Just do not do it. If you absolutely must offer a video or audio file, make it so the user must choose to play it.

Do not use fancy fonts on your website. While it is okay to use special fonts in the site title and headings, fancy fonts in the text bodies will simply drive people away. These fonts, which may look like cursive handwriting or another special style, can help to accentuate the overall website design of a site, but detract when made part of the main text of the site. These fonts are difficult to read, and over long periods can cause eye strain and confusion. Likewise, do not use small fonts in your text. You want the text to be easily readable, and fancy fonts and small text do the exact opposite, and will drive away your reader.